Monday, April 25, 2016


“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
                                                                     -Henry David Thoreau

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What this quote is saying is that. Doing the write thing will never fail. In fact choosing the right will always succeed. Such as me doing my missing assignments. I finally did them and I feel much more relieved. Some investments fail. Like investing yourself to go to work, you may do it for a couple days, but eventually. You just go back to being the same old lazy person. That means that you failed. However when you do something that is right. You only do it once but the memory will last forever. You can also be at the opposite if the spectrum. You can invest yourself into being bad. Unlike goodness being bad can be done multiple times. But you will be put to a stop by someone after going to a certain extreme. These extremes can be killing or rape or any other crime that is illegal. All these are stopped with force because they are very bad. However when you do good, none of this is ever even tempered with. That is why you must always invest in goodness. Or microsoft, but they already made millions of dollars.  

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