Friday, April 1, 2016

Don't do it

“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”  
                                                                  -George Mitchell

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This quote is saying to not cheat. It’s simple. Don’t do it man. It’s not worth it. Much like the previous post, this one tells you to not cheat no matter what. By the way no one likes a cheater. In the long wrong they will feel bad if they ever did cheat. Sometimes people think lying and cheating are very different, when in reality they are very similar. When you tell a lie, you’re cheating the truth. Key word here is cheating. You see how it all connects in the end? George Mitchell isn’t telling you a super complicated quote that requires a spiritual journey to understand. No. It’s just telling you the simple hard hitting truth. If you cheat because you think you need it or whatever stupid reason, you make to excuse your cheating, no one will like you, because no one likes a cheater. No one forces you to cheat. You do it because you want to or like to. If someone forced you than that completely changes everything. But much to my surprise nothing can excuse you from cheating. Let’s say you and a friend take a test. He ended up scoring a 95. But you cheated and got a 100. When actually performing what you need to know he will succeed because he made an effort and was honest about, while you fail in life, for having cheated. That is why you shouldn’t cheat overall. It makes you look dirty and untrustworthy. Some people cheat some people don’t, is like saying, some people succeed and some people fail. Guess who are the ones that fail. Yep. So do yourself a favor and follow George’s words of wisdom. Anyway happy April Fool’s Day.

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