Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Promise

“ A promise must never be broken”
                                                 -Alexander Hamilton

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What this quote is saying is that there are some things that should be broken like your highest test record. However, there are some things that should never be broken and the most important example is given within the quote itself. A Promise. A promise should never be broken no matter how much you want to. Because if you want to break the promise then you shouldn’t have said it at all in the first place. Some things that shouldn’t be broken are rhetorical, however some are physical. Although it heals, the bones of someone should never be broken. When one is breaking a promise, they are also breaking the trust that the one person had given them. Now it’s all gone. Now that person will never see you the same way as before. You will be seen as a disgrace. But when you are a ctr person and you keep all of your promises then everyone will trust you and you will be seen as  loyal person, like the great Dj Khaled once said, “you loyal, I appreciate you”. One of the more modern versions of the fantastic older quotes to be a good citizen.That is why one must keep all promises. It keep their image clean without even realizing it. And if you decide to break all these promises then you will be nothing but a pariah, an outcast. The reason you can tell this quote is very wise, is that it’s coming from Hamilton himself, who lived way before we did, and even in those times trust was one of the most important aspects of man. That is why you should never break a promise, and be the person everyone wants you to be.

Registered Nurse

                      Registered Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities:
Some of the duties of registered nurses are to perform physical exams and health histories. They also provide a health promotion, counseling, and education. The registered nurses also read the information on a patient and later do the critical step of deciding what it is that will be done to the patient.

Registered nurses make about $65,470 USD annually.

To become a registered nurse one must first get an associate degree in college. They also need a bachelor of science degree in nursing. They also require four years of medical training.

Demand For Profession:
The demand for registered nurses isn’t very high, in fact, the demand is also predicted to decrease in the next five years.

I wouldn’t become a registered nurse because it seems like a very slow job for my taste. They also don’t get paid the amount they actually deserve. I would much rather be a cardiac surgeon.

Monday, April 25, 2016


“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
                                                                     -Henry David Thoreau

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What this quote is saying is that. Doing the write thing will never fail. In fact choosing the right will always succeed. Such as me doing my missing assignments. I finally did them and I feel much more relieved. Some investments fail. Like investing yourself to go to work, you may do it for a couple days, but eventually. You just go back to being the same old lazy person. That means that you failed. However when you do something that is right. You only do it once but the memory will last forever. You can also be at the opposite if the spectrum. You can invest yourself into being bad. Unlike goodness being bad can be done multiple times. But you will be put to a stop by someone after going to a certain extreme. These extremes can be killing or rape or any other crime that is illegal. All these are stopped with force because they are very bad. However when you do good, none of this is ever even tempered with. That is why you must always invest in goodness. Or microsoft, but they already made millions of dollars.  

Recreation Therapists

Recreation Therapist

Duties and Responsibility:
Recreation therapists employ leisure activities to help patients with disabilities or illnesses. Through the use of games, sports, crafts and more. The specifics depend on the employer of the therapist.
A recreation therapist makes about $43,180 USD annually.
A bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation. They must also obtain leisure in some countries.
Demand For Profession:
This job doesn’t have much demand for it, as there is already too many of them in one country alone. Perhaps in the next upcoming years, there will be a decline in the amount of recreation therapists.


I wouldn’t become a recreation therapist because it seems like a really boring job. It also doesn’t pay much.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

They're Right

“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make decisions because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”
                                                             -Theodore Hesburgh
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What this quote is saying is that we need to make decisions because they are the right thing to do, not because it’s the most popular opinion at the moment. He also states that we shouldn’t care how much money these decisions cost us to do as long as they are the right thing to do. Some decisions might not be easy but if they’re the right decisions than we should go through with that decision because, ultimately it is for the greater good. Some decisions can be small but can have a great impact on someone as long as it is the right thing to do. A good example of this quote would be kicking out donald trump from the presidential council. That man is only going to ruin our country. Now for some that may seem a little harsh but kicking him out would be the right thing to do. It won’t be cheap or easy either, but it is the greatest thing that can happen in our country at the moment. In fact kicking him out of the country would be the greatest decision for everyone. That is why this man’s quote is the greatest.

Health Care Specialist

Duties and Responsibility:
All of the military medics must provide emergency medical service to people with battlefield casualties. They must also assist with inpatient and outpatient care and treatment. Prepare blood samples for laboratory examinations. One of the most important things these people have to do is prepare the patient, operating room, and supplies for surgery.

Health care specialists get paid about $38,488 USD annually.

To become an army health specialist you need ten weeks of combat training, and apart from that you need sixteen weeks of advanced individual training. You need to learn patient-care techniques, emergency medical techniques, methods of sterilizing used equipment, and plaster-casting techniques.

Demand for Profession:
The demand for this profession isn’t very high because as the seniors leave, new young soldiers usually arrive on the spot to replace them.

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I wouldn’t become a military health care specialist because I find it as a very stressful job where you can be killed in a matter of seconds. I also generally don’t ever think about joining the army. I much prefer to be an engineer, maybe in the nuclear field but an engineer none the less.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cardiovascular Surgeon

                            Cardiovascular Surgeon

Duties and Responsibilities:
Cardiac Surgeons’ big responsibility is to perform surgery on the heart. However they are also trained in performing surgery on the lungs, esophagus, blood vessels, and other major organs.
The salary of a cardiovascular surgeon is a whopping $335,699 USD annually.
To become a cardiovascular surgeon you need to complete an undergraduate program, before they attend medical school. To be accepted into medical school, students need a strong score on the Medical College Admissions Test. They then need to pass four years of medical school. Then they need to pass the United States Licensing Examination. After that they must then complete a 5 years residency in surgery, where they will be taught all required surgeries.
Demand For Career:
Over the years, professionals in this field has been declining, which means that the demand for this career is increasing greatly, and will be even more demanding in the next decade.
I would become a cardiovascular surgeon, although it takes much more time to become one, in the end this means that you’re saving people’s lives. This job is also one of the most high pay jobs in the medical field.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Radiation Therapists

Radiation Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:
A radiation therapist uses beams of radiated light to locate and treat cancerous tumors. They must also record any of the patients’ reactions during treatment. They must also maintain equipment and answer any of the patient’s questions.  

A radiation therapist makes anywhere from $69,000 USD to $85,500 USD. This varies on the area of work, along with what company and country.

To become a radiation therapist you need to go to university for at least two years. Only then you will receive the associate’s degree. It must also be under therapy so you can officially become a therapist.

Demand For This Profession:
Radiation therapy isn’t a job that requires much education therefore there isn’t much demand for this job. Most people who went to college can become a radiation therapists. As the years go by however, the demand for this job will increase.

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I would become a radiation therapist because it doesn’t take much time going to school. And it pays fairly well. I will also get to work with people who have cancer (my grandfather died of cancer). So I have something I can relate to with the patients.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Don't do it

“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”  
                                                                  -George Mitchell

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This quote is saying to not cheat. It’s simple. Don’t do it man. It’s not worth it. Much like the previous post, this one tells you to not cheat no matter what. By the way no one likes a cheater. In the long wrong they will feel bad if they ever did cheat. Sometimes people think lying and cheating are very different, when in reality they are very similar. When you tell a lie, you’re cheating the truth. Key word here is cheating. You see how it all connects in the end? George Mitchell isn’t telling you a super complicated quote that requires a spiritual journey to understand. No. It’s just telling you the simple hard hitting truth. If you cheat because you think you need it or whatever stupid reason, you make to excuse your cheating, no one will like you, because no one likes a cheater. No one forces you to cheat. You do it because you want to or like to. If someone forced you than that completely changes everything. But much to my surprise nothing can excuse you from cheating. Let’s say you and a friend take a test. He ended up scoring a 95. But you cheated and got a 100. When actually performing what you need to know he will succeed because he made an effort and was honest about, while you fail in life, for having cheated. That is why you shouldn’t cheat overall. It makes you look dirty and untrustworthy. Some people cheat some people don’t, is like saying, some people succeed and some people fail. Guess who are the ones that fail. Yep. So do yourself a favor and follow George’s words of wisdom. Anyway happy April Fool’s Day.



Duties and Responsibilities:
Psychologists study the human mind. Thier research helps us understand behavior, memory, and mental health disorders. Through counseling and experimentation, psychologists work to promote safety, understanding and good mental health.

Psychologists make about $69,000 USD annually.

To become a psychologist you need to get a doctoral degree in order to work directly with your patients. A Phd can take up to 10 years to obtain. A master can get you a position but not actual patients to work with.

Over the years the demand for psychologists will begin to grow. Right now there is no need for anymore psychologists.

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I wouldn’t become a psychologist because I don’t really like talking to people. Frankly I can be a very crude person, so listening to someone else’s emotions won’t make me care. They also don’t get paid as much as a nuclear engineer.

April Fool's Day

                         April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s day is on April 1st. The purpose of April Fool’s day is not fully confirmed.It dates back to the fifteen hundreds. There was a julian calendar, which had new year’s eve on April 1st. However Pope Gregory XIII demanded for there to be a new calendar. This new calendar made it so that New Year’s Eve would be celebrated on January 1st. However, there were people who were “traditionalists” and kept celebrating on April 1st. So people who followed the new calendar would take April 1st to pull pranks and other fun stuff on people who still celebrated new years on April 1st. Some theories say that a roman emperor, Constantine, was being entertained by a jester, to which they said they could rule better than the current king. Constantine was amused and made the jester king for a day. He then made it law so that one day a year would be spent with humor like pulling pranks and tricking people. Some pros about April Fool’s Day is that everyone spends this day having many laughs. Everyone pulls a neat little trick on someone they know, and laughter is heard everywhere. However, there are also many cons. Some people just don’t like to celebrate and think it’s stupid. Some people are also party poopers and will start nagging if they are bothered during April fools. Some other people can also think this holiday is just really stupid.