Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Electrical Engineer

                Electrical Engineer

Duties and Responsibilities:
Electrical Engineers have many different jobs. Some include architecture, consulting film, manufacturing, and some even work in the medical field. Others worked in electric power generation which impacts everyday life like you have no idea.
Electrical Engineers get paid the median of $89,630 USD annually, but that just the median meaning you can be paid so much more than that.
The degrees required to be an engineer vary depending on which position you want to work in. But most of the time they need a four year bachelor’s degree. A two year master degree can be very helpful if you want to get a higher paying position.



I would absolutely love to be an electrical engineer. I would become an electrical engineer because ever since I was little I got shocked and really enjoyed messing around with electricity. Even though getting shocked can kill you, it’s still fun in my eyes. It’s adrenaline filling. On the other hand, electricity plays a big role in the world. Without electricity there wouldn’t be a large amount of things that we use in our everyday life like cellphones or computers, and most important of all, internet.

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