Here are some services that LAUSD offers.
- Student Records and Transcripts
- Pupil Services (offers tips that you can use to keep track off absences and truancies)
- Very own student email (must be a student or part of LAUSD in some kind of way)
- Specific Graduation Requirements
- Information On Colleges
I believe that this is very useful because even now we have students that are in their senor year and have no idea if they have the requirements and sufficient credits to graduate. LAUSD allows us to have a quick way to access this information in a simple way; by logging in to our own district website. Sometimes people have problems with their attendance. Sometimes people can mark you absent when in reality you were there or maybe you find an absence that never happened and you want to report that you were there. Well with pupil services this is much more easier to do. LAUSD also allows you to have your own email, but you must be part of LAUSD in some form. Either by being a teacher, student, etc. For the students that do manage to achieve all the requirements and graduate; they offer information on colleges that you might want to know about.

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