"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right."
- Dean Smith
Dean Smith was one of the best coaches of all time. He even broke the record (at some point ) of the most games ever won. He would coach the all American sport; basketball. Sadly he passed away. However his legacy is here to stay for years and years to come. He coached college basketball in North Carolina. He even coached the greatest basketball player of all time; Michael Jordan. In this quote he is showing his good nature as a person overall. Dean Smith is telling us he never did it for such a great impact. In this quote he's telling us how the whole time he was training it was only to do what is best and what is right. While he was coaching and getting so many victories he only focused on his players and what's good for them. As he was doing the right thing he was doing an exceptional job at coaching his basketball teams. He retired with a total of 873 victories in his basketball coaching career. A good example of this would be like Robert Downey Jr. He never meant to be such a good actor, he was just doing what was right and doing a damn good job at it too. Now he is won of the most successful actors in the business. He is recognized everywhere for such awesome performances. And all was done while he chose the right thing after doing a bad one long ago and going to prison for it. That is why this quote is so inspirational. He never meant to be as big as he ended up being. It just happened on the way.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
"Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well being."
-Mr. C. S. Haymore
I believe this quote is as true as anything can be. I also have this personal belief that anything you do think or say is completely on you. If you think of something inappropriate or do something that is also inappropriate than that is on you. It doesn't matter if someone else told you to do it, you didn't have to do that, it was all completely your choice. For spiritual well being I think it focuses more on like what you as person believe. If you believe in something, that's you it doesn't have to be something that someone told you to believe in. If that person believes in that it's because they want to or had a certain experience but what they can't do is force you to listen to them and believe in something else. This quote really makes you think like if you were on your own; a more independent person who has no one to blame for anything that it is they did. If you choose to do a drug and don't want to stop using it, so it ends up ruining your mentality that is all on you, and no one else. If they introduced the drug and did it themselves, that didn't mean that you had to try it yourself. A good example of this would be young children from ages three to about seven. When they're so young everything they do is because they saw it done by someone else. "Monkey see monkey do". That's the way little kids behave. If there is a child that is much younger than them and is eating dirt, than the child will also start eating dirt not realizing that they are not supposed to do the same. That is why I believe this quote to be the most realistic and independent quote we have ever worked on.
-Mr. C. S. Haymore
I believe this quote is as true as anything can be. I also have this personal belief that anything you do think or say is completely on you. If you think of something inappropriate or do something that is also inappropriate than that is on you. It doesn't matter if someone else told you to do it, you didn't have to do that, it was all completely your choice. For spiritual well being I think it focuses more on like what you as person believe. If you believe in something, that's you it doesn't have to be something that someone told you to believe in. If that person believes in that it's because they want to or had a certain experience but what they can't do is force you to listen to them and believe in something else. This quote really makes you think like if you were on your own; a more independent person who has no one to blame for anything that it is they did. If you choose to do a drug and don't want to stop using it, so it ends up ruining your mentality that is all on you, and no one else. If they introduced the drug and did it themselves, that didn't mean that you had to try it yourself. A good example of this would be young children from ages three to about seven. When they're so young everything they do is because they saw it done by someone else. "Monkey see monkey do". That's the way little kids behave. If there is a child that is much younger than them and is eating dirt, than the child will also start eating dirt not realizing that they are not supposed to do the same. That is why I believe this quote to be the most realistic and independent quote we have ever worked on.
"Karma will take care of itself"
"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
-Dr. Randy Pausch
What this quote is saying is that if you live your life in the correct manner than you won't have any problems neither physical nor psychological. When you do good, and only focus on yourself and doing good than all is good. You won't be desperate for a job, you'll be fine and know that as soon as you come for an interview you are going to get that job easy as pie. When you don't focus on the negativity than all is well, it'll resolve itself. When he says karma will take care of itself. it's telling you not to focus on all the bad things that can occur to you. When you avoid everything that is bad, fights, arguments, etc. than nothing will happen to you that will be wrong. Instead that person that wanted to fight with you will get what they deserve. A good example would be Dr.Randy himself. He wanted to be an engineer at Disneyland. Sadly he was rejected because he didn't have what they were looking for. So, this didn't upset him. Instead he moved on and looked for another small job he could find in the engineering field. Then he landed on a job where he would be able to to do testing and innovating virtual reality, which at the time was mostly used for video game purposes. But, this time he applied again, only now he had something Disneyland needed for a new ride. So this bit of experience allowed him to be able to make it bigger in his career. He was finally hired at Disneyland and was doing something he had always wanted to do. As a kid he also wanted to be in the NFL but sadly, that isn't so easy. Only the best of the best make it and sadly Randy pursued more important things in life allowing him to be the person he was.
-Dr. Randy Pausch
Dr. Randy Pausch |
What this quote is saying is that if you live your life in the correct manner than you won't have any problems neither physical nor psychological. When you do good, and only focus on yourself and doing good than all is good. You won't be desperate for a job, you'll be fine and know that as soon as you come for an interview you are going to get that job easy as pie. When you don't focus on the negativity than all is well, it'll resolve itself. When he says karma will take care of itself. it's telling you not to focus on all the bad things that can occur to you. When you avoid everything that is bad, fights, arguments, etc. than nothing will happen to you that will be wrong. Instead that person that wanted to fight with you will get what they deserve. A good example would be Dr.Randy himself. He wanted to be an engineer at Disneyland. Sadly he was rejected because he didn't have what they were looking for. So, this didn't upset him. Instead he moved on and looked for another small job he could find in the engineering field. Then he landed on a job where he would be able to to do testing and innovating virtual reality, which at the time was mostly used for video game purposes. But, this time he applied again, only now he had something Disneyland needed for a new ride. So this bit of experience allowed him to be able to make it bigger in his career. He was finally hired at Disneyland and was doing something he had always wanted to do. As a kid he also wanted to be in the NFL but sadly, that isn't so easy. Only the best of the best make it and sadly Randy pursued more important things in life allowing him to be the person he was.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Educating the body mind and spirit
"Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating our body, the mind, and above all the character, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation." -Theodore Roosevelt
What I believe this quote means is that if you take care of your mind body and spirit than all is well. If you're unhealthy than your body is unhealthy and that would mean that you have to go and exercise. Or you can also use drugs, and that would mean that you aren't taking care of your body. By the mind that can refer to having irrational thoughts. Or it can just plain and simple be to stop thinking wrong or imagining dirty images in real life. This would mean that your mind is tainted, in other words your mind isn't pure, it has something that isn't well or needs to be fixed, in any way possible, be it a psychiatrist, or psychologist. And what Mr.Roosevelt felt most important is character. Character is the way to go. You can be fat and depressed but if your character is taken care of then that won't matter because according to Roosevelt, character is what most importantly defines you as a person. If you have bad character, skipping all the nice words, if you have bad characters than no one will like you plain and simple. If you have bad character you will be hated by everyone except your mom because she made you. But if you need a job and have bad character than you might as well not even show up to the interview because the person who is hiring will most likely not want someone with bad character to be walking around just spreading all the pessimistic spirit. When this occurs people are going to notice and kick you out of where ever it is that you are. Now if you have a good spirit than you have a chance of getting a job anywhere you apply to, OF course not anywhere because some places require different things for different jobs in different fields but other than that you will be treated kind and with a light heart every where you go because that will be the way that people feel about you and they will also like to be treated as such.
![]() |
Theodore Roosevelt |
What I believe this quote means is that if you take care of your mind body and spirit than all is well. If you're unhealthy than your body is unhealthy and that would mean that you have to go and exercise. Or you can also use drugs, and that would mean that you aren't taking care of your body. By the mind that can refer to having irrational thoughts. Or it can just plain and simple be to stop thinking wrong or imagining dirty images in real life. This would mean that your mind is tainted, in other words your mind isn't pure, it has something that isn't well or needs to be fixed, in any way possible, be it a psychiatrist, or psychologist. And what Mr.Roosevelt felt most important is character. Character is the way to go. You can be fat and depressed but if your character is taken care of then that won't matter because according to Roosevelt, character is what most importantly defines you as a person. If you have bad character, skipping all the nice words, if you have bad characters than no one will like you plain and simple. If you have bad character you will be hated by everyone except your mom because she made you. But if you need a job and have bad character than you might as well not even show up to the interview because the person who is hiring will most likely not want someone with bad character to be walking around just spreading all the pessimistic spirit. When this occurs people are going to notice and kick you out of where ever it is that you are. Now if you have a good spirit than you have a chance of getting a job anywhere you apply to, OF course not anywhere because some places require different things for different jobs in different fields but other than that you will be treated kind and with a light heart every where you go because that will be the way that people feel about you and they will also like to be treated as such.
Medical Volunteer Opportunities
Medical Volunteer Opportunities
There is a medical volunteer opportunity at an organization called "Students Care". They run a program that allows undergraduates to get involved in the medical or health field. This program allows college students to provide friendship, support, and hope to children with cancer and their families. The main responsibilities of these teens are to create and mark days of important events that will allow the children with cancer to have fun and be themselves even when inside the hospital.
Another medical volunteer opportunity is available at Cedars-Sinai, which is a hospital. When you volunteer the responsibilities you take on are providing comfort and support for families. You can actually sign up with your dog and together can go around healing people emotionally. Your dog must be trained,and some of the things you're going to do is walk around the people in the surgical rooms and let them pet the dog and find comfort while holding the dog. They also have a student program that allows you to fill up the hours needed for licensing to become a medical professional. You are also taught meaningful ways to interact with patients and their families. They also have a volunteer program where you go around in a mobile medical unit and help around. The responsibilities you will be tasked with will be things such as reading to the children or participating in health education activities for children.
In order to volunteer most hospitals have the same requirements. You must be 18 years old but only if volunteering during flu season. You must receive a tuberculosis screening before you actually start your service. If patient contact is required then you must also provide a copy of your immunization record. For high school students you must be at least 15 years old. You will need to complete anywhere from 80 to 120 hours of service. They will also receive a TB test prior to service. That's pretty much all you need to know about medical volunteer opportunities.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
LAUSD Services
Here are some services that LAUSD offers.
- Student Records and Transcripts
- Pupil Services (offers tips that you can use to keep track off absences and truancies)
- Very own student email (must be a student or part of LAUSD in some kind of way)
- Specific Graduation Requirements
- Information On Colleges
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
"Intelligence is not enough"
"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education" - Martin Luther King Jr.
What this quote means is that we need more than just intelligence. We need character. With both intelligence and character, we will be able to strive. Some people are really smart but if they have low character they can barely accomplish anything. Someone with high character but low intelligence, won't be able to do anything because, they'll just be too stupid. But on the other hand someone who has high intelligence and high character will be able to do almost anything they please, both academically and normally. When you have character you'll know how to properly speak to people of greater importance. If you're smart but don't have character you might not talk to someone properly and won't be able to do anything because you will have talked broken to that person and may lose the job to someone with lower intelligence but higher character.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Some responsibilities of a
neonatologist are to treat newborns with conditions such as breathing problems.
A neonatologist also cares for premature babies and babies that are critically
ill. They also stabilize the babies when needed.
A neonatologist can make
anywhere from $107,062 to $219,050. This varies on the company they work for.
A neonatologist is required
to have 4 years of medical school, 3 years of residency treating in general
pediatrics. 3 years of additional training in newborn intensive care.
Neonatologists also need to be qualified by the board and sub board of doctors.
I wouldn’t be a
neonatologist because I think you need to be emotionally strong. What I mean is
that , you’re not just going to take care of babies, you are specifically
taking care of babies with birth defects or drug induced babies. Babies will
also cry a lot, which I find very sad.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
"We need the courage"
"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do."
-Richard L. Evans
We do many wrong things. But, that's just what we have come to live up to overtime. What was wrong then, may no longer be wrong now. What this quote is saying is that we need to start doing what is best and good to us and all those around us. But we shouldn't just start something, like how most people do. We need to start, except, that now we should keep doing it. A good example would be giving food to the homeless. People mostly do it during Christmas. The thing is, we should be doing that all year round not just on Christmas and then after that they can just go and look for whatever they can find, that's wrong. The quote also says that we should have the courage to stop whatever it is that is wrong. A good example of this would be the waste that we release into the ocean and rivers. We say we're going to stop, but then there's always someone who wants to pay the government some money so that they can be allowed to use the ocean as a place where they can put all their waste, sewage, and trash. Harming all the animals that live in the nearby ocean. That is why I believe that this quote is very meaningful.
and Responsibilities:
of the duties orthodontists part take in are, straightening teeth, correcting
bites, locating the problems in their patients. They must also perform the
procedures that correct the oral development.
orthodontist can make up to $196,270 a year. Some orthodontists can make more
depending on what it is that they are repairing and or operating on.
become an orthodontist you must have at least an undergraduate degree, and a
Doctor of Dental Science degree, which you receive by completing four years.
You must also own an orthodontics residency. You also require a licensing by
the board certification in orthodontics.
wouldn’t become an orthodontist because I feel like I am too disgusted by some
people’s teeth because a lot of the sources for these problems are that the
people with the incorrectly growing teeth; are usually those who have poor
dental hygiene.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
"When You Tell One Lie"
"When you Tell One Lie, it leads to Another"
-Paul Hatch
This quote is just the simple truth. I say this from experience. I had lied to my brother about something. Since my brother kept asking about the situation, I had lied about everything he had asked me about so one thing just led to another, and eventually I had told about eleven lies. This also messes you up mentally. When you have a big secret you lied about you get really nervous that no one knows and you just start to feel overwhelmed that you haven't told anyone. That's why once you tell someone that you lied, you feel so good about it.
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Over Christmas break I didn't do much. I went to work with my dad two days a week. On the first week I would mostly sleep in and just play video games. I also spent a lot of time with my brothers watching t.v or going out to buy Christmas presents for the family. My brother and I watched a bunch of holiday movies like "Elf" and other movies about Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we went over to our aunt's house and ate a Carne Asada with some other Mexican foods. After we ate we left home and went to sleep. On Christmas Day we went back to my aunt's house and ate some ham she had been making for a while. My uncle had also been there and my dad hadn't seen him in fifteen years. So it was happiness all around. Thankfully; over break we didn't have any homework to do, so I had it all to myself. After Christmas everyday was pretty much the same, and that wasn't a bad thing because I really enjoyed playing video games, after all, I would play video games with close friends that I hadn't seen in a while. New Year's Eve was just a normal day too, it was just me and my friends playing some video games. For Christmas I received money, and a pair of shoes. Personally I really loved the shoes because finding size 14's that looked nice.
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