Monday, December 14, 2015

"Always Do Right"

                                    "Always do right"

                                                                  -Mark Twain

I believe this quote means that no matter the cost or time or even the effort, you should always do what is right. Even if doing the wrong thing can sometimes seem tempting, you must overcome it and do what is right. So yeah this quote is very good and should be followed in order to do right and remember to do right no matter the cost. A good example of this would be when you borrow something. When you borrow something, you should give it back when you finish using it. Some people, however, don't do such a thing, instead they keep whatever it is they borrowed and when asked for it they lie to keep it. Although most people choose the wrong under that circumstance, the few that do choose the right are sometimes told they can keep whatever they borrow, or more importantly they gain that person's trust and can then later be trusted if they need to borrow something else. This is why we must always do right even when it is tempting to do what's wrong.                                

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