Thursday, June 9, 2016

You will go far with ctr

                           “You will go far with CTR”

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This quote is telling you the simple truth. As long as you are a ctr person, you will succeed. Sometimes people are ctw but they usually end up in jail. If you are ctr, you can do anything you wish to do. It can be as simple as to graduate college, but if you are ctw you can fall into the hands of drugs. Or even alcohol. But if you are ctr, you may go to a few parties, but you will always stay sober from the devil’s nectar. When you are ctr you have the power to resist all temptation. When being ctw you can sometimes be the person that cause the temptation. When being a ctr person it doesn’t just last this life. What I mean by this is that it can last to your afterlife. No matter what your religion. What God you worship, as long as you are ctr you will stay ctr forever. You can be muslim, christian, mormon, catholic, being ctr is accepted by all these faiths. Therefore literally everyone can be ctr. Even if people judge you for doing what is right, you should keep doing what’s good no matter what. People who are ctw are usually those people that end up on the street homeless and asking for money. They are usually the crackheads we see on tv doing outrageous things for more drugs. And the ctr people are those that we see in suits on their way to important meetings to try and help make the world a better place for those people who messed up and chose the wrong. A good example would be steph curry. He didn’t have any high school records but he never chose the wrong. Unlike curry, jameson chose the wrong many times. Although he did set records he wouldn’t be able to go the pro leagues.But since steph curry was the one who chose the right, he is now on par with some of the greatest players in all the nba.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Ultimate Choice; Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersede all others-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best person you can possibly be. This one choice will affect you for good more than any other choice. The ultimate choice is to be a CTR person- to always choose the rght 24/7.


This quote is saying the being ctr is the best possible thing we can do. And frankly the quote is correct. Being a ctr person is what makes us do great things. Being a ctr person is what leads us on our path to success. Being a ctr person means more than being a person. It means being a good son or daughter, father, etc. We have to better ourselves in general. When we become ctr we make a promise to ourselves to become a better us. Being a ctr person means you can be anything it is you desire. When you’re ctr it means you can be confident in whatever you do. It means we have the voluntary spirit needed to withstand the temptations that are, being ctw. Someone who is ctw will usually end up with a horrible career, if they even manage to get one. However this is one of the truest quotes I’ve ever read. Thank you Mr. Haymore for introducing us to CTR.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

                   Challenges Teens Face Today

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Some of the major challenges teens face are peer pressure. Another thing teens must overcome are drugs and under age drinking. Even though there are several different issues that teens face today, we can trace it all back to one thing; peer pressure. If it wasn’t for teens pressuring other teens into doing the stupid things they do, then we would have far less challenges for teens to face. Two major challenges I’m dealing with today are excessive amounts of homework and the pressure of finals. To combat these I’m doing my homework as soon as I get home. I’m also, for the first time, actually studying before I take the finals. Being a ctr person helps me overcome all these challenges because being a ctr person means you’re responsible. And being responsible means that you will dedicate time to help you get past these challenges. This means that if we put effort into it then we will overcome any challenge. The best way to help another teen who is having problems or being challenges would be to tell them about ctr, and how they should be living their life and put it on the path for success. This will help people overcome any challenges it is they have. But it will stick with them not for a little while, but for life. Then they can spread the word of ctr and we will have a whole population of people who are ctr and can overcome any challenge that is put in their way no matter how difficult it can be. The greatest need a teen has is to be successful in life. Nothing is more important than being successful in life. If you manage to do this then they will not only be fine as teenagers but they’re life will also be swell when they are adults. If you’re not successful it’s almost like throwing opportunity out the window and doing whatever it is that you want. frankly , doing what you want when you want is going to get you nowhere. That is why you must always be a ctr person and choose the right no matter how old or where it is that you are. This will keep you on the right path the whole way. Nothing is better than being a ctr person. If you are truly a ctr person then you will never do what is wrong.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


“ I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating.”


This quote is what sparked other great quotes. Most quotes now are complicated and often very long. However, in the time of Sophocles almost anything that was wise was considered great. But back then being wise wasn’t something that was common. Instead it was to be scribed whenever someone said something so wise. What this quote says is that failing with honor is worth much more than winning by cheating. Cheating is ctw and will never be a good excuse for anything, but when doing anything with honor than the whole motive and orientation will be for the greater good. This quote is applied to anything that is moral. No matter how big or how small, this quote has an influence on all decisions. It also applies to the most innocent of people and the worst of dictators. When someone cheats on a simple little quiz in school, he’s being dishonorable and that’s all it takes. However if he studies and gets an F, it will be much better for him morally because it reflects what he really knows. Another example would be swimming legend Michael Phelps. He always swims to the best of his ability, and has several techniques that help him gain great speed. Now if he were to take performance enhancing drugs than it would be dishonest of him to do such a thing. That is why being ctr will help follow the quote and lead the way to success.

Air Pollution In China

        Air Pollution Crisis In China

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Currently the people of beijing are suffering over high concentrations of air pollution. This is the second time that the country has issued its most severe air pollution warning. Unhealthy levels of smog are to persist until Thursday. This is the first ever red alert after having put in an alert system only two years ago. Statistics done on China, show that the air pollution is killing about 4,400 people a day. The people involved with this issue are those who live in China themselves. They have built far too many factories and other industrial buildings, which produce tons and tons of smog and release other harmful chemicals into the air. This has caused tons and tons of people to die, and have other symptoms due to the harmful waste that is carried in the air itself. As long as these factories are fully functional and all the people keep working than the air pollution will continue getting pumped out into the lands of China. However are there are minor things being done. Although they won’t be very effective due to the country being in critical states of pollution multiple times. Not to mention the overpopulation just makes it more common that children will have birth defects due to the chemicals in the air pollution. Until the danger lowers children can not go to school. An alert system was placed two years ago. The country is researching to boost production from non renewable resources. If they do succeed with non renewable resources than all will be a margin better, but if the industrialization is continued then the country will be in critical state again.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day

                        Memorial Day

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Memorial day is the day in which we honor those who passed away while serving in the military. Whether it was male or female this day is to remember those who we lost. Memorial day is on every last Monday of May. There are a variety of ways you can show respect on Memorial day. Some ways people show respect is that they will often make parades to honor the military and those who died. Even going to a parade will show some respect for those who passed away and their families. One of the more logical ways of showing respect on Memorial Day, is to simply visit a cemetery and pay respects to those who served in the military. Even if it is only for a couple minutes, it will still show respect for those who fought in the American Army. Memorial Day was originated because in the late 1860’s because Americans would hold out springtime tributes for fallen soldiers. They would also decorate their graves with flowers and prayers. In 1966 the federal government named waterloo new york the official birthplace of memorial day. Sadly I won’t be doing any celebrating memorial day because my family is Mexican and our memorial day is in September. But I will be working on Memorial day. I think Memorial Day is a good holiday. Sometimes people don’t appreciate those in the army very much. This day at least reminds us that there are in fact people that are risking their lives. In the US there a lot of people who are Mexican and don’t think this holiday is important. But what they don’t understand is that they keep any other country from taking over and possibly destroying everything. That is why I think that Memorial Day is an important holiday. It is very important to celebrate and remember the fallen.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Always tell the truth

  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than lying (and getting caught).
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
  6. You don’t have to tell (or remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
  7. You gain a reputation for being truthful- a trait most people value.
  8. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.
                                                                                  -Barbara A. Lewis

This quote does something very simple. It tells you the eight reasons why you should always tell the truth. All of these eight things are beneficial towards you. If you lie then you would be on the other end of the spectrum, and the opposite of all this will happen to you. That is why you must always tell the truth and be a ctr person. Not only do you save yourself from being hurt but those around you are also saved from the pain that comes with not telling the truth. This will also make you a more likeable person overall because everyone will trust you. Sometimes not telling the truth leads to more severe punishment, but if you tell the truth you might not even get into trouble. That is why you must always tell the truth and be a ctr person. This will keep you away from trouble.

Yoga Therapist

Duties and responsibilities:
Some of the responsibilities that yoga therapists have are to keep their clients health in check. Before anyone tries anything a yoga therapist must first perform the movements, in front of their students. When teaching they also have to assist their students to make sure they do the movements properly. When they have a lot of students they also prepare the groups when class is beginning. And most importantly they monitor clients performance to make sure they aren’t overworked but, relaxed.

A yoga therapist will make anywhere from $36,000 to $66,530 USD. This varies on the workplace and level of knowledge. Just like other careers if the demand increases then so will the salary.

To be a yoga therapist you most likely need a post secondary education, or at least an associate’s degree. After any of these things then you can now apply for an International Association of Yoga Therapists program, however these may have different requirements. To pass you need to put at least 600 hours into the program.

The demand for yoga therapists is estimated to grow 24% which will increase the salary of the yoga therapist much greater. This will mean that yoga therapy may be a much more stable job in the upcoming year.  

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I wouldn’t be a yoga instructor because I don’t think yoga helps in anything. And if I don’t believe in what I teach then I might as well not be it, because I wouldn’t be very enthusiastic about it. I’d rather be something else. Something that involves more work.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Wellness Specialist

    Wellness Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
One of the responsibilities of a wellness specialist is to educate the public on making better daily choices. Another responsibility they have is to prevent illness. When doing this, the wellness specialist must customize the manner in which they educate the audience. An example would be when addressing a city, they can make activities in which people have fun, but are educated on as well.

The average salary made by a wellness specialist is about $53,100 USD, but it can vary depending on the company they are working for.

To become a wellness specialist, there are no specific requirements but most people will, get an associates degree in nursing or any other similar discipline. However, being accredited by the International Association of Wellness Professionals, will help anyone almost confirm a job and much better pay.

Since the cost of medical care is increasing so much and the government is funding more health programs, the growth in the wellness field will grow by 37%. That is a very large number statistically, almost confirming that the pay will increase in the years to come.

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I wouldn’t become a health specialist because it seems like  a super boring job, and there also isn’t much work put into it. I feel more satisfied if I put in a lot of work for the outcome to be equally as rewarding.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Duties and Responsibilities:
Some of the responsibilities that veterinarians have are to administer vaccinations, do health check ups, clean teeth, fix broken bones, treat skin infections and perform surgery on animals. Some veterinarians prefer to visit the countryside where there are many ranches. On these ranches it is their job to inspect the living spaces of the animals and ensure that they are as free as they can be and as safe from any locations that can infect the animals. However, some veterinarians have to perform the uglier job that is giving a lethal injection to animals that are terminally ill, or too old to even continue daily activity. This can be a much darker experience from being a veterinarian.

A veterinarian can make anywhere from $86,000 to $93,000 USD. The pay can also vary on the location of their work or the state/country of their work.

To become a veterinarian you must first complete four years of college and acquire a bachelor’s degree. The classes they must major under are zoology, molecular biology, chemistry, animal science and bio chemistry. They must then attend and complete a four year Doctor Of Medicine program. Now they must get a license, and they are now ready to become a licensed veterinarian.

The need for veterinarians will increase by 9% each year. This is much faster than normal jobs and will mean you will be payed more and more as the years go by.


I would become a veterinarian because it seems like a job that can have you stable, and I also have a passion for helping animals. I find it very sad when there is animal that is being abused or is sick and no one helps. That is why I would very much be a veterinarian.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Internal Phenomenon

“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
                                                        -Dr. Laura Schlessinger

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What this quote is saying is that the best reward when doing something good is the feeling, you get after you do the thing that is right. Some people may expect a reward when really the only reward they should allow  themselves to receive, if any, it should be the feeling they acquire. For example the man that worked at the airport. He found an ipad with thirteen thousand dollars. Anyone else would’ve just taken the money and the ipad and gotten it for themselves. Thirteen thousand dollars is more than enough money for a good car down payment. I believe even I would’ve struggled choosing the right in this situation. However that man is the most ctr man alive, maybe even surpassing Haymore himself. And Mr basically created the ctr slogan. This man is truly kind hearted and loyal to his honor. Even the most innocent of people would’ve struggled turning in the money that was so high in value, yet wasn’t theirs at all. When you take a good look at life. It is the ctr people who live the happiest and the most confident. For example Obama is a very ctr president in fact his whole family is ctr. And because of that he lives a very happy life, and has also roasted people like Donald Trump in the past. That was probably one of the best things he has ever done that wasn’t required of him as a president. That is why Obama is a super ctr person.

Friday, May 13, 2016

World Records

World Record: Tallest Man Ever
Record Holder: Robert Wadlow
When Set: 1940


World Record: Youngest Professional Video
Record Holder: Victor De Leon III
When Set: 2005

World Record: Most Career Goals
Record Holder: Pele
When Set:1956
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The world record that fascinates me the most is the tallest man ever. It fascinates me because people always tell me I’m tall for my age, but he was over 8 feet and 11 inches. A couple more inches and he would’ve been nine feet tall. I wouldn’t like to break a world record because it takes too much time and patience, I’d rather just keep living my life and if I happen to break one then so be it.

The Four Steps

  1. Work Hard
  2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don’t chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
                                                                        -Phillip Riggs

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These four steps are the basics to succeeding. They are some of the most essential things when being a CTR person. However, some people can find these steps difficult. However, if someone is performing any of these steps than it’s because they are well on their way to becoming a CTR person. Now i’ll break down the steps for you. The first step is simple, you simply don’t stop trying. You have to be determined at completing your goals. Don’t let anything stop you. But you shouldn’t slack off either. Just keep working towards your goal. Second, what it is you want to do. Never do something you know you’re going to hate eventually. Stick to something that you can do for a very long time, without getting tired. If you manage to accomplish this and make it your career then you are basically set for the rest of your life. Step 3 is actually one of the more important steps. This should be true no matter what. You need to stay humble. Being humble will get you places in your life. No one likes someone who’s mean and stingy only thinking about money. Money is a very dangerous thing. It can change the way people think. That is why you must always stay humble. Step 4 is sometimes hard even for me to complete. Sometimes people just get in our nerves and it becomes very difficult to complete this step. But if you do, make the effort to do something nice to someone else, like give the homeless some money, then the good will come back to you. That is why we must follow these four simple steps to be successful.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Speech Pathologist

                        Speech Pathologist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Speech pathologists have many important responsibilities. One of them is to work across all levels. This means they can work with people who are in preK, and up to 12th grade and even adults. They also have to be prepared to work with a variety of conditions. They must also provide a unique contribution to the curriculum.

Speech pathologists make about $71,550 USD.This varies depending on the area of occupation.

To become a speech pathologist you must complete the master’s degree program offered in a course that specializes in speech pathology. You then need to complete 3 to 5 years of a P.h.d program so that you can receive a doctorate’s degree,and get paid substantially better.

The demand for speech pathologists is predicted to grow 19% from now until 2022.

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I would become a speech pathologist. Although it doesn’t pay much, I understand the struggle of not knowing how to speak a language fluently. In fact it can lead to many problems. My brother went through this struggle and said they were bullied a lot, until they stood up to their bully.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Word Of Honor

“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor’. I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape ; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first”.
                                                                      -Karl G. Maeser

What this quote is saying that a word of honor, is your promise. You must never break it. You should choose death over breaking your word of honor. If always kept then you don’t have to worry. But breaking it, will have serious consequences. Like Karl G Maeser said. I’d die first. This is a very strong statement because it means he would easily choose death over breaking his word of honor. This also means that he is willing to never break his word of honor and keep it no matter what the situation. A good example of this is a fictional character known as batman. His word of honor consists of never killing anyone no matter how much the world would be better off if they were dead. In a certain comic, batman was tempted to kill the joker, and had to keep his word even after the joker killed absolutely everyone in a theme park, while batman was present. He then proceeds to kill batman’s assistant. This made batman do mad he completely trashed the joker but… He never killed him. He left him alive because it was his code of honor.

Medical Scientist

                                Medical Scientist

Duties and Responsibilities:
The responsibilities of a medical scientist are to discover new ways of enhancing human health. Some of the things may be new drugs, surgeries, and vaccinations. Then they interview patients and decide which ones can go into testing groups, depending on the medical history of the patients.
A medical scientist makes about $90,230 USD.
To become medical scientists, people must first acquire a bachelor’s degree in biology or any other health related topics. Most set a goal for a phd in biological sciences, while others just obtain a doctorates degree. They must also take training in speech to properly communicate with patients.  
Demand For Profession:
There is an increasing demand for the medical scientist, as a result the salary of a medical scientist is always increasing annually.

I would become a medical scientist. Like this I would be able to come up with a cure for cancer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Promise

“ A promise must never be broken”
                                                 -Alexander Hamilton

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What this quote is saying is that there are some things that should be broken like your highest test record. However, there are some things that should never be broken and the most important example is given within the quote itself. A Promise. A promise should never be broken no matter how much you want to. Because if you want to break the promise then you shouldn’t have said it at all in the first place. Some things that shouldn’t be broken are rhetorical, however some are physical. Although it heals, the bones of someone should never be broken. When one is breaking a promise, they are also breaking the trust that the one person had given them. Now it’s all gone. Now that person will never see you the same way as before. You will be seen as a disgrace. But when you are a ctr person and you keep all of your promises then everyone will trust you and you will be seen as  loyal person, like the great Dj Khaled once said, “you loyal, I appreciate you”. One of the more modern versions of the fantastic older quotes to be a good citizen.That is why one must keep all promises. It keep their image clean without even realizing it. And if you decide to break all these promises then you will be nothing but a pariah, an outcast. The reason you can tell this quote is very wise, is that it’s coming from Hamilton himself, who lived way before we did, and even in those times trust was one of the most important aspects of man. That is why you should never break a promise, and be the person everyone wants you to be.

Registered Nurse

                      Registered Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities:
Some of the duties of registered nurses are to perform physical exams and health histories. They also provide a health promotion, counseling, and education. The registered nurses also read the information on a patient and later do the critical step of deciding what it is that will be done to the patient.

Registered nurses make about $65,470 USD annually.

To become a registered nurse one must first get an associate degree in college. They also need a bachelor of science degree in nursing. They also require four years of medical training.

Demand For Profession:
The demand for registered nurses isn’t very high, in fact, the demand is also predicted to decrease in the next five years.

I wouldn’t become a registered nurse because it seems like a very slow job for my taste. They also don’t get paid the amount they actually deserve. I would much rather be a cardiac surgeon.

Monday, April 25, 2016


“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
                                                                     -Henry David Thoreau

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What this quote is saying is that. Doing the write thing will never fail. In fact choosing the right will always succeed. Such as me doing my missing assignments. I finally did them and I feel much more relieved. Some investments fail. Like investing yourself to go to work, you may do it for a couple days, but eventually. You just go back to being the same old lazy person. That means that you failed. However when you do something that is right. You only do it once but the memory will last forever. You can also be at the opposite if the spectrum. You can invest yourself into being bad. Unlike goodness being bad can be done multiple times. But you will be put to a stop by someone after going to a certain extreme. These extremes can be killing or rape or any other crime that is illegal. All these are stopped with force because they are very bad. However when you do good, none of this is ever even tempered with. That is why you must always invest in goodness. Or microsoft, but they already made millions of dollars.  

Recreation Therapists

Recreation Therapist

Duties and Responsibility:
Recreation therapists employ leisure activities to help patients with disabilities or illnesses. Through the use of games, sports, crafts and more. The specifics depend on the employer of the therapist.
A recreation therapist makes about $43,180 USD annually.
A bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation. They must also obtain leisure in some countries.
Demand For Profession:
This job doesn’t have much demand for it, as there is already too many of them in one country alone. Perhaps in the next upcoming years, there will be a decline in the amount of recreation therapists.


I wouldn’t become a recreation therapist because it seems like a really boring job. It also doesn’t pay much.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

They're Right

“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make decisions because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”
                                                             -Theodore Hesburgh
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What this quote is saying is that we need to make decisions because they are the right thing to do, not because it’s the most popular opinion at the moment. He also states that we shouldn’t care how much money these decisions cost us to do as long as they are the right thing to do. Some decisions might not be easy but if they’re the right decisions than we should go through with that decision because, ultimately it is for the greater good. Some decisions can be small but can have a great impact on someone as long as it is the right thing to do. A good example of this quote would be kicking out donald trump from the presidential council. That man is only going to ruin our country. Now for some that may seem a little harsh but kicking him out would be the right thing to do. It won’t be cheap or easy either, but it is the greatest thing that can happen in our country at the moment. In fact kicking him out of the country would be the greatest decision for everyone. That is why this man’s quote is the greatest.

Health Care Specialist

Duties and Responsibility:
All of the military medics must provide emergency medical service to people with battlefield casualties. They must also assist with inpatient and outpatient care and treatment. Prepare blood samples for laboratory examinations. One of the most important things these people have to do is prepare the patient, operating room, and supplies for surgery.

Health care specialists get paid about $38,488 USD annually.

To become an army health specialist you need ten weeks of combat training, and apart from that you need sixteen weeks of advanced individual training. You need to learn patient-care techniques, emergency medical techniques, methods of sterilizing used equipment, and plaster-casting techniques.

Demand for Profession:
The demand for this profession isn’t very high because as the seniors leave, new young soldiers usually arrive on the spot to replace them.

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I wouldn’t become a military health care specialist because I find it as a very stressful job where you can be killed in a matter of seconds. I also generally don’t ever think about joining the army. I much prefer to be an engineer, maybe in the nuclear field but an engineer none the less.