"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
-Peter Vidmar
I believe what this quote means is that even if you want something really bad you should stop yourself from getting it and work towards getting the thing you want first. To prioritize what you want most form what you want. Sometimes that happens you want something at the moment even though what you want most is way better. It means that you have to know what you really want from what you want at the moment. An example of this would be many adults. When adults are saving money for, let's say a car, they really want that car. Most adults then save a certain amount of money, but instead of waiting for the car they really want, they get a new car they can buy at the moment. Then it turns out that the car is worse than the car they really wanted. If they would've waited they would've had the car that was faster, newer, and more comfortable, but instead couldn't wait and got an old normal car.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Healthcare Administrator
Healthcare Administrator
and Responsibility:
Healthcare Administrators make sure that places like
hospitals and clinics are successful. They take care of the budgeting, scheduling,
marketing, etc. They also make sure the facilities will comply with the
regulations and represent their areas at board meetings.
Healthcare Administrators make $88,580 annually as of
A bachelor’s degree is required, along with state
approved training.
I wouldn’t mind being a healthcare administrator because
it is one of the many jobs that seem calmer and requires more desk work than
anything else. Another reason is because you get paid a highly good amount of
money without having to do very risky things like the other side of the
spectrum; surgeries.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"A Good Name"
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life" -Coach K
What this quote means is that in life it is better to have a good reputation rather than a bad reputation towards your name. Coach K is well known for coaching many basketball players from Duke that are now NBA players. Because of this he has a very good repuatation. Coach K is also spoken of with great dignity and trust by all his trained NBA players.This means that even if he wouldn't of had as many wins as he did, he still would've had a good name because all the people he trained speak highly of him. Another example of this would be Steve Jobs, his name will always be remembered for creating one of the most used brands of today. He will most likely never be forgotten for his good reputation of making innovative products and partially sparking the encouragement of smart devices, like the iphone and ipod. He wasn't just known for that, but Jobs was never spoken about being aggressive towards his employees. That is why having a good name is the best thing you can achieve in this life.
What this quote means is that in life it is better to have a good reputation rather than a bad reputation towards your name. Coach K is well known for coaching many basketball players from Duke that are now NBA players. Because of this he has a very good repuatation. Coach K is also spoken of with great dignity and trust by all his trained NBA players.This means that even if he wouldn't of had as many wins as he did, he still would've had a good name because all the people he trained speak highly of him. Another example of this would be Steve Jobs, his name will always be remembered for creating one of the most used brands of today. He will most likely never be forgotten for his good reputation of making innovative products and partially sparking the encouragement of smart devices, like the iphone and ipod. He wasn't just known for that, but Jobs was never spoken about being aggressive towards his employees. That is why having a good name is the best thing you can achieve in this life.
Monday, October 19, 2015
"Stand For Right"
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
- Thomas Monson
What this quote means is to always stand up for right even when your being pressured into doing wrong. At times people will think the wrong is right because most people will think it's right. You need to stand up to all those people. Even if you think they'll hurt you they won't because they'll know you're choosing the right. It also means that most likely when you choose the right against to other people choosing the wrong there will be followers who will also choose the right. Then people will follow those others that also decided to choose the right. An example of this would be during the time of Hitler's reign. Since he had so much power people that that people who didn't have colored eyes or blonde hair would have to die. Once Hitler commit suicide, light struck. People weren't afraid of saying how Hitler's action were wrong. That is why Germany is now the lovely place we know today.
- Thomas Monson
What this quote means is to always stand up for right even when your being pressured into doing wrong. At times people will think the wrong is right because most people will think it's right. You need to stand up to all those people. Even if you think they'll hurt you they won't because they'll know you're choosing the right. It also means that most likely when you choose the right against to other people choosing the wrong there will be followers who will also choose the right. Then people will follow those others that also decided to choose the right. An example of this would be during the time of Hitler's reign. Since he had so much power people that that people who didn't have colored eyes or blonde hair would have to die. Once Hitler commit suicide, light struck. People weren't afraid of saying how Hitler's action were wrong. That is why Germany is now the lovely place we know today.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
"A CTR Champion.."
Student Success Statement
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." -Noemi Trigueros

What I believe this quote means is that there many different types of champions, but they don't make you a better person. But being a CTR champion does help you be a better person. That's why you must always choose the right. An example of a champion that doesn't make you a better person would be the boxing champion Mayweather. Even though he holds the title of world's best boxer he's still a very ostentatious and pretentious person. Mayweather loves showing off his money. He would also beat on his wife and fight very cowardly on the ring. On the other hand a CTR champion will make you a better person by making you choose the better choice that is right. This why a CTR champion is the best kind of champion.
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." -Noemi Trigueros
What I believe this quote means is that there many different types of champions, but they don't make you a better person. But being a CTR champion does help you be a better person. That's why you must always choose the right. An example of a champion that doesn't make you a better person would be the boxing champion Mayweather. Even though he holds the title of world's best boxer he's still a very ostentatious and pretentious person. Mayweather loves showing off his money. He would also beat on his wife and fight very cowardly on the ring. On the other hand a CTR champion will make you a better person by making you choose the better choice that is right. This why a CTR champion is the best kind of champion.
ENT Specialist
Ear, Nose and Throat
(ENT) Specialist
and Responsibility:
ENTs are experts in managing ear, nose and throat
diseases. They must also perform surgery on any of those areas. These
specialist’s responsibilities vary depending on what area they focus on.
ENT specialists make $205,000 USD annually.
Five years of training in a surgical residency are
required. Four years otolaryngology and one year in general surgery are the
requirements. They also require a bachelor’s degree.
I wouldn’t want to be an ENT because I do not like the
medical field at all. I also believe that this job will bore me after about
three years. I would much rather become a software developer or engineer.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"Success Is Not An Accident"
“Success is not an accident. Success is actually a
choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?”
-Alan Stein
I believe this quote means that we choose whether we are
going to be successful or not. It means that with our choices we make the grand
choice of if we will be successful or not. It means that we are the ones that
choose our future with our decisions of today.
An example of this would be high school for example. Some
students choose to do their assignments and go every day. These students are
choosing to be successful. Others students may ditch class, or just not do
their homework. Some may even not sign up for high school. Simply put they
choose success when they choose the right.
Friday, October 9, 2015
"When Obedience Becomes Our Goal..."
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of stumbling block, it becomes a building block." -James E. Faust
I believe this quote means more than just obedience. I feel like it has much greater meaning than just what it speaks of. I believe what this quote means is that when we need to obey something in order for, let's say money, it doesn't bother you to obey, instead it gives you happiness or excitement. Most of the time obeying is an irritating thing to do. But, when we are put under condition where obeying will end up benefiting you, we see it as anything, but obeying. We might classify it as "making money" or "warming up" because we are only doing it for a certain reason, because it becomes our goal, our priority. For example, working. People don't enjoy work very much, but when they get older, they realize that working will make them money. Once they get the mentality, that the more they work the more money they'll make, they start enjoying work much much more. That's why, not just obedience, when anything becomes our goal, we do it with that much more pleasure and determination.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
"Choosing The Right"
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"
-Alex Linares
I believe that this quote means to choose the right when you don't know what to do. When you don't know how to approach a situation you should always choose the right. Instead of doing anything wrong or just neglecting a situation you should just choose the right. An example of this would be like seeing a family member that needs help, you don't just ignore them you try to help them in any way that you can or are able too. Another example would be if you see someone out on the street asking you to help them, you don't tell them no because then everyone would think you're just a mean person for choosing the wrong.
and Responsibilities:
Some duties
of the dermatologist are Botox injections, laser hair remover, skin tightening,
chemical peels, sclerotherapy, collagen fillers, and microdermabrasion.
dermatologist can make from $88,605 to $304,220.
Just to
qualify for professional practice a person must be certified by the ABD. To get
certified you must take an exam that you can take after you graduate from
osteopathic school. They must also complete four years of postgraduate
I would not
like to be a dermatologist. I wouldn’t be a dermatologist because I find the
medical area of cosmetics to be very bland and very boring. Why be a
dermatologist that requires you to go to school for much longer than other
jobs. Plus being an electrical engineer pays much more and is something that I
find so fascinating.
Monday, October 5, 2015
"Obedience Is Central"
"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy" -Dave Bednar
I believe this quote means that when you obey and follow the rules you will be happy because you won't get in trouble. Not getting in trouble will keep you at ease because you will know you didn't do anything wrong. For example when you break the law, you might go to jail or get a ticket. If you get away with it you won't feel good , you'll feel guilty. But, if you follow the law then you'll be happy and guilt free. That is why obedience is central to becoming and remaining happy.
I believe this quote means that when you obey and follow the rules you will be happy because you won't get in trouble. Not getting in trouble will keep you at ease because you will know you didn't do anything wrong. For example when you break the law, you might go to jail or get a ticket. If you get away with it you won't feel good , you'll feel guilty. But, if you follow the law then you'll be happy and guilt free. That is why obedience is central to becoming and remaining happy.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
"What You Are"
"what you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player"
-John Wooden
What I believe this quote means is that no matter how you are in an activity or different place you must always be a good person. John Wooden was a basketball player and was amazing at it, but he cared more about how he was as a person. If you're good at a sport, but have no sportsmanship than everyone is going to hate you no matter how good you are at it. If you're just a bad person in general than you might not even make it into the team. But, if you're a good person than you'll be loved and praised like how people praised John Wooden, and still do. If you're a good person than the coach will like you more and give you a shot at joining the team. That is why you must always be a good person in general, not just for certain things.
-John Wooden
What I believe this quote means is that no matter how you are in an activity or different place you must always be a good person. John Wooden was a basketball player and was amazing at it, but he cared more about how he was as a person. If you're good at a sport, but have no sportsmanship than everyone is going to hate you no matter how good you are at it. If you're just a bad person in general than you might not even make it into the team. But, if you're a good person than you'll be loved and praised like how people praised John Wooden, and still do. If you're a good person than the coach will like you more and give you a shot at joining the team. That is why you must always be a good person in general, not just for certain things.
Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant
and Responsibilities:
Dental Assistant do many things like; seating patients in
the treatment area, pass requested instruments to the dentist during dental
procedure, sterilization and preparation of instruments, exposing and
developing X-rays, and much more.
A dental assistant can make $34,500 in the United States.
Dental Assistants must take a test that is approved by
the CDA. That is the only requirement.
a Picture:

I would not like to become a dental assistant because I
believe that overall it is a low paying job compared to being an actual
dentist, or something else like an electric engineer. I also believe that it is
a very boring job.
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